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Low Volume Manufacturing and Prototyping Factory ChinaSource: Honkia   Published: 2016-06-18   Views: 3886

Low Volume Manufacturing and Prototyping is a fast growing area for rapid custom manufacturing of small quantities and quick deliveries being important. Today’s product trends from companies are to have more innovative products and release them into market as soon as possible to keep competitive and sustainable development, such as Apple, these products are normally highly customized and filling more niche markets. Therefore, the products are quickly updated and innovated for the next iteration to keep “NEW” products in the hands of customers and win market, this new trend of product development and manufacturing has made the product lower in quantity, fast in delivery, but usually higher in margin.

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Compare to traditional mass production, Low Volume Manufacturing and Prototyping is a high labor-intensive process with fast delivery and quick response time. Taking the big advantage of abundant and economical labor force in China, more and more advanced manufacturing technologies applied and 24/7 running of the production facility in Chinese factory, Made in China is an ideal choice for Low Volume Manufacturing and Prototyping.

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As the Low Volume Manufacturing and Prototyping Expert in China, we have completed lots of low volume manufacturing and prototyping projects for global customers in design companies, aerospace, medical device, household appliance, electronics, digital products, etc. and offered most of them a successful, aesthetically pleasing products to market in low volumes within a reasonable budget at a quick delivery.

At Honkia Prototype, our Low Volume Manufacturing and Prototyping processes include CNC Machining, Silicone Rubber Mold and Vacuum Casting (also name Polyurethane casing), Reaction Injection Molding (RIM) and rapid tooling. As the low volume manufactured parts and prototypes are sometimes the final products for sales in market, so the surface finishing quality is critical to decide how the product’s quality is. Thanks to our high quality surface finishing experience and capabilities, the parts and prototypes we manufactured not only work, also look and feel like the end products.

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